Aliran Lava Plalangan

Geosite Aliran Lava Plalangan terletak di antara Desa Kalianyar dan Desa Sempol Kecamatan Ijen, Kabupaten Bondowoso. Geosite Aliran Lava Plalangan memiliki komponen geologi unggulan dari aspek batuan yang merepresentasikan adanya batuan aliran Lava di Kaldera Ijen. Warna kehitaman batuan lava menunjukkan bahwa karakter dominan batuan yang cenderung Basaltis dan dikenal dengan nama Black Lava di Dusun Plalangan. Posisi lokasinya relatif tinggi di kawasan lembah Kaldera dan berada di dekat jalan raya utama Kecamatan Ijen. Lokasi tersebut sangat strategis untuk menyaksikan Dinding Kaldera Ijen yang terhampar di bagian Utara. Representasi Geosite Aliran lava Plalangan berkomposisi Basalt - Andesite Basaltik terhampar sepanjang 9.9 km dengan luasan 10.51 km2, membentang dari Gunung Anyar sampai daerah Blawan. Aliran Lava ini dulunya diduga sebagai aliran Lava setelah terjadi erupsi besar Gunung Ijen Purba. Secara Makroskopik, Aliran Lava berwarna hitam bertekstur AA. Lava AA terbentuk ketika lava mengalir dengan cepat. Dalam keadaan ini, terjadi kehilangan panas yang cepat dan peningkatan Viskositas. Jika melihat kearah utara, dinding Kaldera Ijen terlihat dengan jelas memanjang dari arah barat sampai timur.

Plalangan Lava Flow Geosite is located between the village of Kalianyar and Sempol Village, Ijen District, Bondowoso Regency. Plalangan Lava Flow Geosite has a superior geological component from the rock aspect which represents the presence of lava flow rocks in the Ijen Caldera. The black color of the lava rock shows that the dominant character of the rock tends to be Basaltic and is known as Black Lava in Plalangan Hamlet. Its location is relatively high in the Caldera valley area and is near the main highway Ijen District. The location is very strategic to see the Ijen Caldera Wall which lies in the north. Geosite Representation Plalangan lava flow composed of Basalt - Andesite Basaltic extends along 9.9 km with an area of 10.51 km2, extending from Mount Anyar to the Blawan area. This lava flow was once thought to be a lava flow after the large eruption of Mount Ijen Purba. Macroscopically, the black lava flow has an AA texture. AA lava is formed when lava flows quickly. In this state, there is rapid heat loss and an increase in viscosity. If you look to the north, the walls of the Ijen Caldera can be seen clearly extending from the west to the east. Address Bondowoso, East Java


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