Banteng (Bos javanicus)
Banteng (dari bahasa Jawa: banthèng; nama spesies: Bos javanicus) atau tembadau adalah spesies hewan yang sekerabat dengan sapi dan ditemukan di berbagai wilayah Asia Tenggara. Banteng jantan dan betina memiliki perbedaan yang mencolok (dimorfisme seksual): pejantan biasanya berkulit cokelat gelap atau hitam, berbadan besar dan kekar, sedangkan banteng betina lebih langsing dan memiliki kulit cokelat muda.
Banteng memiliki bercak besar berwarna putih di bagian bokong. Baik pejantan maupun betina memiliki tanduk, umumnya dengan panjang 60 hingga 75 cm. Ilmuwan umumnya membaginya menjadi tiga subspesies: banteng jawa, banteng indocina, dan banteng kalimantan. Banteng liar biasanya lebih besar dibandingkan banteng yang telah didomestikasi oleh manusia.
Banteng aktif pada siang dan malam hari, tetapi aktivitas malam lebih umum di daerah yang banyak dikunjungi manusia. Kawanan banteng di alam liar terdiri dari 2 hingga 40 ekor banteng dengan hanya satu pejantan.
Banteng adalah hewan dalam golongan herbivora dan memakan berbagai tumbuhan seperti rumput, teki, tunas, daun, bunga, dan buah-buahan. Banteng sering minum air, terutama dari air yang tenang, tetapi mampu bertahan beberapa hari tanpa air di musim kemarau. Fisiologi reproduksi banteng tidak banyak diketahui, tetapi mungkin mirip dengan sapi eropa yang telah banyak diamati.
Induk banteng mengandung dalam jangka 285 hari (lebih dari 9 bulan, atau seminggu lebih lama dibandingkan sapi eropa) dan kemudian melahirkan seekor anak banteng saja. Banteng ditemukan di berbagai jenis habitat di jangkauan alamiahnya, termasuk hutan bertumbuhan peluruh, setengah peluruh, bagian bawah hutan montana, lahan pertanian yang ditinggalkan, serta daerah rerumputan.
Populasi banteng liar terbanyak berada di Kamboja, Jawa, Kalimantan (terutama Sabah, Malaysia) dan Thailand. Banteng ternak dapat ditemukan di Bali, pulau-pulau timur Indonesia (seperti Sulawesi, Sumbawa, Sumba), Australia, Malaysia, dan Papua Nugini. Banteng ternak di Indonesia disebut sapi bali, dan jumlahnya mencapai hampir 25% dari seluruh populasi sapi di Indonesia. Peternakan banteng dilakukan untuk menghasilkan daging, dan kadang digunakan sebagai hewan pekerja.
Bull (from Javanese: banthèng; species name: Bos javanicus) or tembadau is an animal species that is related to cattle and is found in various parts of Southeast Asia. Male and female bulls have a striking difference (sexual dimorphism): the males usually have dark brown or black skin, are large and stocky, while female bulls are slimmer and have light brown skin. The bull has large white patches on the rump. Both males and females have horns, generally 60 to 75 cm in length. Scientists generally divide it into three subspecies: Javanese bull, Indochinese bull, and Kalimantan bull. Wild bulls are usually larger than bulls that have been domesticated by humans.
Bull are active during the day and at night, but nocturnal activity is more common in areas with high human traffic. A bull herd in the wild consists of 2 to 40 bulls with only one male.
Bull are herbivores and eat a variety of plants such as grass, nuts, shoots, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Bull often drink water, especially from calm water, but are able to survive several days without water in the dry season. The reproductive physiology of bulls is not widely known, but may be similar to those of widely observed European cattle. Mother bulls conceive in a period of 285 days (more than 9 months, or a week longer than European cattle) and then give birth to only one calf.
Bull are found in a wide variety of habitats in their natural range, including deciduous, semi-deciduous forest, lower montane forest, abandoned agricultural land, and grassy areas.
The largest population of wild bull is in Cambodia, Java, Kalimantan (especially Sabah, Malaysia) and Thailand. Bull cattle can be found in Bali, the eastern islands of Indonesia (such as Sulawesi, Sumbawa, Sumba), Australia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea. Bull cattle in Indonesia are called bali cows, and account for nearly 25% of the total cattle population in Indonesia. Bull farming is used to produce meat, and is sometimes used as working animal.
Ajag (Cuonalpinus)
Cuon Ajak atau ajag (Cuon alpinus) adalah anjing hutan yang hidup diAsia, terutama di wilayah selatan dan timur. Ajak tidak sama denganserigala.Ajak merupakan anjing asli Nusantara, terdapat di pulau Sumatra danJawa, mendiami terutama kawasa pegunungan danhutan. Anjing kampung dan yang lainnya yang biasa dijadikan peliharaan di Indonesia, sebenarnya merupakan anjing impor yang berasal dari daerah lain. Ajak berperawakan sedang, berwarna coklat kemerahan. Di bagian bawahdagu,leher, hingga ujungperutberwarnaputih, sedangkan ekornya tebal kehitaman.Ajak biasa hidup bergerombol dalam lima hingga dua belas ekor, tergantung lingkungannya. Namun, pada keadaan tertentu, ajak dapat hidupsoliter(menyendiri),
Cuon Ajak or Ajag (Cuon alpinus) is a coyote that lives in Asia, especially in the southern and eastern regions. Invite not the same as wolves. Ajag is a native dog of the archipelago, found on the islands of Sumatra and Java, inhabiting mainly the mountains and forests. Domestic dogs and others that are commonly used as pets in Indonesia, are actually imported dogs from other regions. Take a medium stature, reddish brown. At the bottom of the chin, neck, to the end of the stomach is white, while the tail is thick blackish. Invite usually live in groups of five to twelve, depending on the environment. However, in certain circumstances, Ajag can live solitary (alone).
Kucinghutan/Macan rembah(Felisbengalensis)
DeskripsiKucing Hutan (Felis bengalensis): berukuran sama seperti kucing rumahan, Bulu tubuhnya halus dan pendek Warnanya khas, yaitu kuning kecoklatan dengan belang-belang hitam di bagian kepala sampai tengkuk Selebihnya bertotol-totol hitam Pola warna ini sama sekali tidak terdapat pada kucing-kucing liar lainnya. Bagian bawah perut putih dengan totol-totol coklat tua. Ekornya panjang, lebih dari setengah panjang badannya. Kucing hutan selalu tampak berkeliaran, sendirian atau berpasangan jantan dan betina.Anak Kucing HutanMasa reproduksi kucing hutan sepanjang tahun dengan masa kehamilan sekitar 70 hari. Pada setiap kelahiran dihasilkan 2 -4 ekor anak. Sampai 10 hari, anak kucing hutan belum dapat membuka mata. Akan tetapi begitu dapat melihat, segera anak kucing ini dapat mencari mangsanya sendiri. Kucing betina dibantu yang jantan di dalam mengasuh anak. Anak kucing hutan menginjak masa dewasa kelamin ketika mencapai umur 13 bulan.Habitat Kucing Hutan (Felis bengalensis): Tempat hidup yang dihuninya ialah hutan dan kawasan bertetumbuhan di dekat perkampungan. Kucing ini mempergunakan sarang yang dibuatnya di gua-gua yang kecil atau di liang-liang batu. Pada siang hari kucing ini tidur di sarang ini, baru pada malam hari keluar mencari mangsa. Mangsanya berupa binatang-binatang kecil apa saja, seperti burung, kelelawar, tikus, ular, kadal dan juga kancil. Ketangkasannya memanjat pohon dan kemahirannya berenang sangat membantu di dalam perburuannya mencari mangsa. Kucing hutan sering melompat dari atas pohon untuk menerkam mangsa di atas tanah. Penyebarannya luas, mulai dari Lembag Amur di Rusia sampai ke Cina, India dan Asia Tenggara. Di Indonesia, kucing ini ditemukan di Sumatra, Jawa, Bali dan Kalimantan.
Description of the Forest Cat (Felis bengalensis): the same size as a domestic cat, the body hair is smooth and short.The color is distinctive, namely brownish yellow with black stripes on the head to the nape of the rest. The rest is dotted with black spots. This color pattern is completely absent in cats. other stray cats. The underside of the belly is white with dark brown spots. Long tail, more than half the length of the body. Jungle cats always appear to be on the prowl, alone or in pairs of males and females. The reproductive period of forest cats throughout the year with a gestation period of about 70 days. Each birth produces 2-4 cubs. Up to 10 days, the Forest Kitten has not been able to open its eyes. However, as soon as it can see, this kitten is soon able to find its prey. The female cat is assisted by the male in parenting the child. Forest kittens reach their sexual maturity when they reach the age of 13 months. Habitat of Forest Cats (Felis bengalensis): The habitat where they live is forests and vegetation areas near villages. This cat uses the nest he made in small caves or in rock burrows. During the day this cat sleeps in this nest, only at night it goes out looking for prey.
Their prey is in the form of any small animals, such as birds, bats, mice, snakes, lizards and mouse deer. Its dexterity in climbing trees and swimming skills is very helpful in hunting for prey. Forest cats often jump from the top of the tree to pounce on prey above the ground. Its distribution is wide, from the Amur Lembag in Russia to China, India and Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, this cat is found in Sumatra, Java, Bali and Kalimantan.
Lutung jawa (Trachypithecus auratus ) merupakan salah satu jenis lutung asli (endemik) Indonesia. Sebagaimana spesies lutung lainnya, lutung jawa yang bisa disebut juga lutung budeng mempunyai ukuran tubuh yang kecil, sekitar 55 cm, dengan ekor yang panjangnya mencapai 80 cm.
Lutung jawa atau lutung budeng terdiri atas dua subspesies yaitu Trachypithecus auratus auratus dan Trachypithecus auratus mauritius. Subspesies Trachypithecus auratus auratus (Spangled Langur Ebony) bisa didapati di Jawa Timur, Bali, Lombok, Palau Sempu dan Nusa Barung. Sedangkan subspesies yang kedua, Trachypithecus auratus mauritius (Jawa Barat Ebony Langur) dijumpai terbatas di Jawa Barat dan Banten.
Lutung jawa atau lutung budeng dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai Javan Lutung, Ebony Leaf Monkey, Javan Langur. Sedangkan dalam bahasa ilmiah (latin) lutung ini dikenal sebagai Trachypithecus auratus yang mempunyai beberapa nama sinonim seperti Trachypithecus kohlbruggei (Sody, 1931), Trachypithecus maurus (Horsfield, 1823), Trachypithecus pyrrhus (Horsfield, 1823), Trachypithecus sondaicus (Robinson & Kloss, 1919), dan Trachypithecus stresemanni Pocock, 1934.
Ciri Fisik dan Perilaku. Lutung jawa mempunyai ukuran tubuh sekitar 55 cm dengan panjang ekor hampir dua kali lipat panjang tubuhnya mencapai 80 cm. Berat tubuhnya sekitar 6 kg. Bulu lutung jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) berwarna hitam dan lutung betina memiliki bulu berwana keperakan di sekitar kelaminnya. Lutung jawa (lutung budeng) muda memiliki bulu yang berwarna oranye. Untuk subspesies Trachypithecus auratus auratus (Spangled Langur Ebony) meliki ras yang mempunyai bulu seperti lutung jawa muda dengan warna bulu yang oranye sedikit gelap dengan ujung kuning.
Lutung jawa dalam kelompoknyaLutung jawa hidup secara berkelompok. Tiap kelompok terdiri sekitar 7 – 20 ekor lutung dengan seekor jantan sebagai pemimpin kelompok dan beberapa lutung betina dewasa. Lutung betina hanya melahirkan satu anak dalam setiap masa kehamilan. Beberapa induk betina dalam satu kelompok akan saling membantu dalam mengasuh anaknya, namun sering kali bersifat agresif terhadap induk dari kelompok lain.
Lutung jawa (lutung betung) merupakan satwa diurnal yang lebih banyak aktif di siang hari terutama di atas pohon. Makanan kegemaran satwa ini antara lain dedaunan, beberapa jenis buah-buahan dan bunga. Terkadang binatang ini juga memakan serangga dan kulit kayu.
Habitat dan Persebaran. Lutung jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) merupakan satwa endemik Indonesia yang hanya bisa dijumpai di pulau Jawa, Bali,
Lombok, Palau Sempu dan Nusa Barung. Keberadaan lutung jawa di pulau Lombik diduga karena proses introduksi.
Habitat alami lutung jawa (lutung budeng) adalah kawasan hutan dengan berbagai variasi mulai hutan bakau di pesisir pantai, hutan rawa air tawar, hutan dataran rendah, hutan meranggas, hingga hutan dataran tinggi hingga ketinggian mencapai 3.500 mdp. Daerah jelajah lutung jawa mencapai seluas 15 ha.
Populasi, Konservasi, dan Ancaman. Populasi lutung jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) semakin mengalami penurunan. Karena itu bintang pada 2008 dikategorikan oleh IUCN Redlist dalam status konservasi Terancam (Vulnerable). CITES juga memasukkan spesies ini dalam Apendiks II.
Populasi lutung jawa masih dapat ditemukan dibeberapa cagar alam di Jawa seperti Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Cagara Alam Pangandaran, TN. Meru Betiri, TN. Bromo Tengger Semeru, Gunung Halimun, Gunung Dieng, Gunung Arjuno, Alas Purwo dll.
Javan Langur (Trachypithecus auratus ) is one of the original (endemic) Indonesian langur species. Like other langur species, the Javan langur which can also be called the budeng langur has a small body size, about 55 cm, with a tail that reaches 80 cm in length.
Javan langur or lutung budeng consists of two subspecies, namely Trachypithecus auratus auratus and Trachypithecus auratus mauritius. The subspecies Trachypithecus auratus auratus (Spangled Langur Ebony) can be found in East Java, Bali, Lombok, Sempu Island and Nusa Barung. Meanwhile, the second subspecies, Trachypithecus auratus mauritius (West Java Ebony Langur) is found limited to West Java and Banten.
Javan langurs or lutung budeng in English are known as Javan Lutung, Ebony Leaf Monkey, Javan Langur. Whereas in scientific language (Latin) this langur is known as Trachypithecus auratus which has several synonymous names such as Trachypithecus kohlbruggei (Sody, 1931), Trachypithecus maurus (Horsfield, 1823), Trachypithecus pyrrhus (Horsfield, 1823) Trachypithecus sondaicus (Robinson & Kloss, 1919), and Trachypithecus stresemanni Pocock, 1934.
Physical Characteristics and Behavior
Javan langurs have a body size of about 55 cm with a tail length of almost twice the length of its body reaching 80 cm. His body weight is about 6 kg. The hair of the Javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus) is black and the female langur has silvery hair around the genitals. Javan langurs (langur budeng) young have orange fur. The subspecies Trachypithecus auratus auratus (Spangled Langur Ebony) has a race that has fur like a young Javan langur with a slightly dark orange coat color with yellow tips.
Javan langurs in their groups Javan langurs live in groups. Each group consists of around 7-20 langurs with a male as the group leader and several adult female langurs. Female langurs only give birth to one child during each pregnancy. Several female parents in one group will help each other in caring for their young, but are often aggressive towards the parents of the other group.
Javan langurs (langur betung) are diurnal animals that are more active during the day, especially in the trees. These animal favorite foods include leaves, several types of fruits and flowers. Sometimes these animals also eat insects and bark.
Habitat and Distribution. Javan langurs (Trachypithecus auratus) are endemic to Indonesia which can only be found on the islands of Java, Bali, Lombok, Sempu Island and Nusa Barung. The existence of Javan langurs on the island of Lombok is thought to be due to the process of introduction.
The natural habitat of Javan langurs (langur budeng) is a forest area with various variations ranging from mangrove forests on the coast, freshwater swamp forests, lowland forests, withered forests, to upland forests up to an altitude of up to 3,500 mdp. The Javan langur home range reaches 15 ha.
Population, Conservation and Threats. The Javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus) population is decreasing. Because of this, the stars in 2008 were categorized by the IUCN Redlist as Vulnerable. CITES also includes this species in Appendix II.
Javan langur populations can still be found in several nature reserves in Java such as Ujung Kulon National Park, Cagara Alam Pangandaran, TN. Meru Betiri, TN. Bromo Tengger Semeru, Mount Halimun, Mount Dieng, Mount Arjuno, Alas Purwo etc.
Walik kepala-ungu (Ptilinopus porphyreus )
Walik kepala-ungu (Ptilinopus porphyreus) yang juga dikenal sebagai Walik Leher-ungu atau Walik Temnick, adalah merpati berukuran luhur yang penuh warna.
Berukuran lebih kurang luhur (29 cm), berkepala merah jambu. [1] Semua bidang kepala, leher dan kerongkongan merah jambu keunguan, dibatasi oleh pita putih bertepi hitam kehijauan pada dada. Tubuh bidang atas hijau, tubuh bidang bawah abu-abu dengan penutup ekor bidang bawah kuning. Yang betina, ciri-ciri nya adalah muka berwarna merah jambu buram, garis dada kurang jelas.
Bunyi suara nya adalah hu berdentang dalam interval satu detik, kadang-kadang hasilnya
dengan seri hu cepat dan menurun.
Burung ini termasuk endemik di pegunungan Pulau Sumatra , Jawa dan Bali .Dan mereka tinggal di ketinggian 1.000 m (3,300 kaki) hingga 2.200 m (7,200 kaki).
Mereka makan buah ara, buah kecil dalam hutan, dan juga mereka biasanya mencari makan sambil berkamuflase dengan kanopi hutan. Walik membangun sarang yang tipis di pohonnya untuk telur mereka. Jumlah telur mereka 1-2 butir. Dan telur mereka dierami selama 20 hari. Biasanya, dalam satu pohonbuah berada 17 kawanan
Walik kepala-ungu (Ptilinopus porphyreus) also known as Walik Leher-ungu or Walik Temnick, is a large, colorful dove.
Approximately sublime in size (29 cm), pink head. All areas of the head, neck and throat are purplish pink, bordered by a white band with a greenish black border on the chest. Green upper plane body, gray lower plane body with yellow lower plane tail cover. The female, the characteristics are a blurry pink face, less clear chest line. The sound of the hu chime is in one second intervals, sometimes the result is a fast hu and decreasing series.
These birds are endemic to the mountains of the islands of Sumatra, Java and Bali, and they live at altitudes of 1,000 m (3,300 ft) to 2,200 m (7,200 ft).
They eat figs, small fruit in the forest, and also they usually forage while camouflaging the forest canopy. The guardian builds a thin nest in the tree for their eggs. Their number of eggs is 1-2 eggs. And their eggs are incubated for 20 days. Usually, in one fruit tree there are 17 herds
Kipasan bukit( Rhipidura euryura)
Kipasan bukit (Rhipidura euryura)
adalah spesies burung dari keluarga Rhipiduridae, dari genus Rhipidura. Burung ini merupakan jenis burung pemakan serangga, laba-lab dan memiliki habitat di hutan pegunungan, hutan sekunder
Kipasan bukit memiliki tubuh berukuran sedang (18 cm). Tubuh bagian atas biru abu-abu gelap seragam. Alis putih lebar. Ekor abu-abu gelap, dengan ujung putih lebar pada bulu terluar. Tenggorokan dan dada abu-abu buram. Perut dan tungging putih. Iris coklat, paruh hitam, kaki hitam. Penghuni hutan yang lincah. Hidup sendiri atau berpasangan. Sering bergabung dengan kelompok
campuran. Berpindah-pindah pada lapisan tengah tajuk pohon. Tidak sesibuk dan sesering memamerkan ekor dibanding Kipasan lain.
Burung ini membuat sarang berbentuk cawan halus, dari akar-akar halus, direkatkan dengan jaring laba-laba, pada dahan melintang atau tumbuhan merambat. Telur berwarna keputih-putihan, bercincin bintik-bintik abu-abu dan coklat, jumlah 2 butir. Berbiak bulan Mei-Juni
Kipasan bukit (Rhipidura euryura)
is a species of bird from the family Rhipiduridae, of the genus Rhipidura. This bird is a type of bird that eats insects, lab spiders and has habitats in mountainous forests, secondary forests.
The hill kipasan has a medium body size (18 cm). Upper body uniform dark gray blue. Wide white eyebrows. Tail dark gray, with a broad white tip on the outer fur. Opaque gray throat and chest. White belly and tungging. Brown slices, black beak, black legs. Agile forest dwellers. Live alone or in pairs. Joining mixed groups often. Move around in the middle layer of tree canopy. Not as busy and often showing off a tail than other Kipasan.
These birds make nests in the shape of a fine cup, from fine roots, glued together with spider webs, on transverse branches or vines. Eggs are whitish, ringed with gray and brown spots, and just 2 eggs. They Breed in May-June.
Ayam Hutan Hijau atau Green Junglefowl (Gallus varius)
adalah satu dari dua spesies ayam hutan asli Indonesia selain Ayam Hutan Merah (Gallus gallus). Bahkan Ayam Hutan Hijau merupakan hewan endemik Indonesia yang tersebar hanya di Jawa, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara saja.
Dari hasil persilangan antara Ayam Kampung dengan Ayam Hutan Hijau inilah dihasilkan Ayam Bekisar yang mempunya bulu indah sekaligus kokok (suara) yang khas. Ayam Bekisar sendiri merupakan fauna identitas provinsi Jawa Timur.
Ayam Hutan Hijau di beberapa daerah di Indonesia disebut sebagai Canghegar atau Cangehgar (Sunda), Ayam Alas (Jawa), dan Ajem Allas atau Tarattah (Madura). Beberapa penyebutan nama ini memang sama dengan penyebutan untuk Ayam Hutan Merah.
Dalam bahasa Inggris Ayam Hutan Hijau disebut sebagai Green Junglefowl, Javan Junglefowl, Forktail, atau Green Javanese Junglefowl. Sedangkan dalam bahasa latin (ilmiah), ayam ini dinamai Gallus varius.
Diskripsi, Ciri, dan Kebiasaan. Ayam Hutan Hijau (Gallus gallus) merupakan anggota kelas burung (Aves) yang berukuran besar. Panjang tubuhnya dari kepala ke ekor mencapai 60 cm (jantan) dan 42 cm (betina).
Ayam Hutan Hijau (Gallus gallus) jantan. Jengger pada ayam jantan tidak bergerigi, melainkan membulat tepinya berwarna merah dengan warna kebiruan di tengahnya. Bulu-bulu pada leher, tengkuk dan mantel berwarna hijau berkilau dengan tepian kehitaman, nampak seperti sisik ikan. Bulu-bulu pinggul panjang meruncing berwarna kuning keemasan dengan bagian tengah berwarna hitam. Bulu pada sisi bawah tubuh mempunyai warna hitam, dan ekor hitam berkilau kehijauan.
Ayam Hutan Hijau betina mempunyai ukuran yang lebih kecil dibanding ayam jantan dengan didominasi bulu yang berwarna kuning kecoklatan dengan garis-garis dan bintik hitam.
Ayam Hutan Hijau (Gallus gallus) hidup berkelompok (2-7 ekor). Pada siang hari mereka mencari makan aneka biji-bijian, pucuk rumput dan dedaunan, serangga, serta berbagai jenis hewan kecil seperti laba-laba, cacing, kodok dan kadal kecil.
Ayam Hutan Hijau tidur di dahan-dahan pohon dengan ketinggian 1-4 meter. Saat berbiak Ayam Hutan Hijau membuat sarang di atas tanah berlapis rumput diantara semak atau rumput tinggi. Dalam sekali berbiak Ayam ini menghasilkan 5-10 butir telur berwarna keputih-putihan.
Yang khas dari Ayam Hutan Hijau adalah kemampuan terbangnya. Berbeda dengan Ayam Hutan Merah, Ayam Hutan Hijau mampu terbang vertikal setinggi 7 meter dan terbang horisontal (lurus) hingga radius beberapa ratus meter.
Ayam Hutan Hijau jantan pun memiliki suara kokok yang khas. Suara kokoknya nyaring dan sengau Mula-mula bersuara cek-kreh. berturut-turut beberapa kali seperti suara bersin, diikuti dengan bunyi cek-ki kreh, 10 – 15 kali, dengan jeda waktu beberapa detik, semakin lama semakin panjang jedanya. Sedangkan ayam betina berkotek mirip ayam kampung dengan suara lebih kecil dan nyaring.
Ayam Hutan Hijau (Gallus gallus) betina
Ayam Hutan Hijau atau Green Junglefowl (Gallus varius)
Is one of two species of forest fowl native to Indonesia apart from the Red Forest Chicken (Gallus gallus). In fact Green Forest Chickens are endemic to Indonesia, which are spread only in Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara.
From the results of the cross between the Kampung Chickens and the Green Forest Chickens, Bekisar Chicken has beautiful feathers and a distinctive crowing (sound). Bekisar chicken itself is a fauna of the identity of the province of East Java.
Green Forest Chickens in several areas in Indonesia are referred to as Canghegar or Cangehgar (Sundanese), Alas Chicken (Java), and Ajem Allas or Tarattah (Madura). Some of the mention of this name is the same as the mention of the Red Forest Chicken.
In English, Green Forest Chickens are referred to as Green Junglefowl, Javan Junglefowl, Forktail, or Green Javanese Junglefowl. Whereas in Latin (scientific), this chicken is named Gallus varius.
Description, Characteristics, and Habits. The Green Forest Chicken (Gallus gallus) is a large member of the bird class (Aves). Body length from head to tail reaches 60 cm (male) and 42 cm (female).
Male Green Forest Chicken (Gallus gallus). The comb on a rooster is not serrated, but rather rounded edges are red with a bluish color in the middle. The hairs on the neck, nape and coat are shiny green with blackish edges, looking like fish scales. The long, tapered hip feathers are golden yellow with a black center. The fur on the underside of the body has a black color, and the black tail is shiny greenish.
Female Green Forest Chickens have a smaller size than roosters with predominantly brownish yellow feathers with black stripes and spots.
Green Forest Chickens (Gallus gallus) live in groups (2-7 birds). During the day they forage for various grains, grass shoots and leaves, insects, as well as various kinds of small animals such as spiders, worms, frogs and small lizards.
Green Forest Chickens sleep on tree branches with a height of 1-4 meters. When breeding, Green Forest Chickens make nests on grass-lined soil between shrubs or tall grass. In one breeding, this chicken produces 5-10 whitish eggs.
What is unique about the Green Forest Chicken is its ability to fly.
Unlike the Red Forest Chicken, the Green Forest Chicken is able to fly vertically as high as 7 meters and fly horizontally (straight) up to a radius of several hundred meters.
The male Green Forest Chicken also has a distinctive crowing sound. The sound of the crow is loud and nasal. At first there is a sound of cek-kreh. consecutively several times like a sneeze, followed by a cek-ki kreh sound, 10 – 15 times, with a time delay of a few seconds, the longer the delay. Meanwhile, hens cackle like native chickens with a smaller and louder voice.
Female Green Forest Chickens (Gallus gallus)
Habitat, Distribution, and Conservation. Green Junglefowl likes open and grassy areas, forest edges and areas with low hills near the coast to an altitude of 3,000 meters above sea level.
The ancestors of the bekisar chicken are endemic birds to Indonesia, which are limited to Java, Madura, Bali and the islands of Nusa Tenggara. The population of Green Forest Chicken (Gallus gallus) is not known with certainty, but it is estimated that it is still widely distributed in several areas. Therefore, the IUCN Redlist considers that the population is still safe so that it has included Green Forest Chickens in the Least Concern (Low Risk) conservation status since 1988. In Indonesia, chickens called Green Javanese Junglefowl are also not one of the protected animals.
Ayam Hutan Hijau atau Green Junglefowl (Gallus varius)
Is one of two species of forest fowl native to Indonesia apart from the Red Forest Chicken (Gallus gallus). In fact Green Forest Chickens are endemic to Indonesia, which are spread only in Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara.
From the results of the cross between the Kampung Chickens and the Green Forest Chickens, Bekisar Chicken has beautiful feathers and a distinctive crowing (sound). Bekisar chicken itself is a fauna of the identity of the province of East Java.
Green Forest Chickens in several areas in Indonesia are referred to as Canghegar or Cangehgar (Sundanese), Alas Chicken (Java), and Ajem Allas or Tarattah (Madura). Some of the mention of this name is the same as the mention of the Red Forest Chicken.
In English, Green Forest Chickens are referred to as Green Junglefowl, Javan Junglefowl, Forktail, or Green Javanese Junglefowl. Whereas in Latin (scientific), this chicken is named Gallus varius.
Description, Characteristics, and Habits. The Green Forest Chicken (Gallus gallus) is a large member of the bird class (Aves). Body length from head to tail reaches 60 cm (male) and 42 cm (female).
Male Green Forest Chicken (Gallus gallus). The comb on a rooster is not serrated, but rather rounded edges are red with a bluish color in the middle. The hairs on the neck, nape and coat are shiny green with blackish edges, looking like fish scales. The long, tapered hip feathers are golden yellow with a black center. The fur on the underside of the body has a black color, and the black tail is shiny greenish.
Female Green Forest Chickens have a smaller size than roosters with predominantly brownish yellow feathers with black stripes and spots.
Green Forest Chickens (Gallus gallus) live in groups (2-7 birds). During the day they forage for various grains, grass shoots and leaves, insects, as well as various kinds of small animals such as spiders, worms, frogs and small lizards.
Green Forest Chickens sleep on tree branches with a height of 1-4 meters. When breeding, Green Forest Chickens make nests on grass-lined soil between shrubs or tall grass. In one breeding, this chicken produces 5-10 whitish eggs.
What is unique about the Green Forest Chicken is its ability to fly.
Unlike the Red Forest Chicken, the Green Forest Chicken is able to fly vertically as high as 7 meters and fly horizontally (straight) up to a radius of several hundred meters.
The male Green Forest Chicken also has a distinctive crowing sound. The sound of the crow is loud and nasal. At first there is a sound of cek-kreh. consecutively several times like a sneeze, followed by a cek-ki kreh sound, 10 – 15 times, with a time delay of a few seconds, the longer the delay. Meanwhile, hens cackle like native chickens with a smaller and louder voice.
Female Green Forest Chickens (Gallus gallus)
Habitat, Distribution, and Conservation. Green Junglefowl likes open and grassy areas, forest edges and areas with low hills near the coast to an altitude of 3,000 meters above sea level.
The ancestors of the bekisar chicken are endemic birds to Indonesia, which are limited to Java, Madura, Bali and the islands of Nusa Tenggara. The population of Green Forest Chicken (Gallus gallus) is not known with certainty, but it is estimated that it is still widely distributed in several areas. Therefore, the IUCN Redlist considers that the population is still safe so that it has included Green Forest Chickens in the Least Concern (Low Risk) conservation status since 1988. In Indonesia, chickens called Green Javanese Junglefowl are also not one of the protected animals.
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