Intangible Heritage - Festival Ngopi Sepuluh Ewu

Festival Ngopi Sepuluh Ewu memiliki makna tersendiri bagi masyarakat Desa Kemiren, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Festival ini menyajikan banyak cangkir kopi gratis bagi siapapun yang ingin menyesapnya. 1. Mampu sajikan 10 ribu cangkir kopi Ngopi Sepuluh Ewu yang sudah digelar 7 tahun berturut-turut. Event ini digelar secara swadaya oleh warga Desa Kemiren. Bagi warga Kemiren, suguhan kopi sebagai bentuk penghormatan mereka kepada para pengunjung yang datang. Untuk menyajikan 10 ribu cangkir kopi, warga Kemiren menyiapkan tak kurang dari 350 kg bubuk kopi khas Banyuwangi. Ada beragam varian yang disajikan. Mulai dari arabica, robusta hingga house blend. Warga Kemiren yang mayoritas merupakan suku Using, memiliki tradisi menyimpan cangkir dari warisan turun temurun. Dari total 2.000 kepala keluarga (KK), masing-masing KK rata-rata memiliki 1sampai 2 lusin cangkir. 2. Tiga falsafah Desa Kemiren dalam secangkir kopi Sesepuh adat Desa Kemiren, Suhailik menjelaskan, warga Kemiren memiliki falsafah lungguh, suguh, dan gupuh dalam menghormati. Ngopi Sepuluh Ewu sangat menggambarkan falsafah yang dipegang warga. Lungguh, papar Suhailik, adalah menyiapkan tempat. Sedangkan suguh berarti menyajikan hidangan. Adapun gupuh adalah kesigapan tuan rumah dalam menyambut tamu tersebut. "Kami siapkan tempat duduk di sepanjang teras warga sebagai bagian dari lungguh. Kami juga siapkan kopi dan beragam jajanan tradisional sebagai suguh. Serta, kami berupaya untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik sebagai bentuk dari gupuh” Di tengah ribuan pengunjung dari berbagai kota di Indonesia, hadir pula Bupati Gresik Sambari Halim, serta musisi Indra Lesmana. Mereka berbaur bersama masyarakat unutk menikmati seduhan kopi Banyuwangi. "Dengan ngopi bareng di sini, kami ingin mereka menjadi saudara bagi kami. Karena kami punya semboyan, sak corot dadi sakduluran (satu seduhan jadi saudara)” 3. Serasa lebaran Umam, salah satu pengunjung asal Surabaya merasa festival tersebut layaknya momen lebaran. Semua orang berkumpul, saling silaturahmi, memberi suguhan kue dan tentunya menyesap secangkir kopi. "Kalau sekadar mau ngopi khas Banyuwangi, banyak kok kafe yang menyediakannya sekarang. Tapi beda dengan ngopi di sini. Ini seperti lebaran. Kami bisa bersilaturahmi. Bertemu dengan teman-teman sesama pecinta kopi. Ngobrol macem-macem. Melepas kangen," ujarnya. 4. Digelar secara swadaya Direktur Jendral Otonomi Daerah Kementrian Dalam Negeri Akmal Malik juga turut menikmati Festival Ngopi Sepuluh Ewu ini. Akmal mengaku terkesan dengan festival yang digelar warga Kemiren secara swadaya.

Sepuluh Ewu Kopi Festival has its own meaning for the people of Kemiren Village, Banyuwangi Regency. This festival serves lots of free cups of coffee for anyone who wants to take a sip. 1. Able to serve 10 thousand cups of coffee Ngopi Sepuluh Ewu which has been held for 7 consecutive years. This event is held independently by the residents of Kemiren Village. For Kemiren residents, serving coffee is a form of their respect for the visitors who come. To serve 10 thousand cups of coffee, Kemiren residents prepare no less than 350 kg of Banyuwangi coffee powder. There are various variants presented. Starting from arabica, robusta to house blend. The majority of Kemiren residents are the Using tribe, have the tradition of saving cups from hereditary heritage. From a total of 2,000 households (KK), each household has an average of 1 to 2 dozen cups. 2. Three philosophies of Kemiren Village in a cup of coffee The traditional elder of Kemiren Village, Suhailik, explained that the people of Kemiren have a philosophy of being sincere, respectful, and enthusiastic in respecting. Ngopi Sepuluh Ewu really illustrates the philosophy held by the people. Lungguh, said Suhailik, it was preparing the place. Meanwhile, suguh means serving dishes. Gupuh is the host's alacrity in welcoming the guest. "We prepare seats along the resident’s terraces as part of the lungguh. We also prepare coffee and a variety of traditional snacks as suguh. As well, we strive to provide the best service as a form of gupuh" In the midst of thousands of visitors from various cities in Indonesia, also attended the Regent of Gresik Sambari Halim, as well as musician Indra Lesmana. They mingle with the community to enjoy the brewing Banyuwangi coffee. "By having coffee together here, we want them to become brothers to us. Because we have a motto, sak corot dadi sakduluran (one drink becomes brothers)" 3. Feels like Eid Umam, one of the visitors from Surabaya felt that the festival was like an Eid moment. Everyone gathered, got in touch with each other, served cakes and of course sipped a cup of coffee. "If you just want a coffee from Banyuwangi, there are many cafes that provide it now. But it's different from coffee here. It's like Eid. We can stay in touch. Meet friends with coffee lovers. Chat all kinds of things. Let go of missing you," he said. 4. Held independently The Director General for Regional Autonomy of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Akmal Malik, also enjoyed the Ten Ewu Coffee Festival. Akmal admitted that he was impressed by the festival held by Kemiren residents independently.


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