Hutan Pelangi

Biosite Hutan Pelangi terletak di Kecamatan Sumberwringin, Kabupaten Bondowoso, dengan letak geografis 114°0'9.77"E/7°59'56.58"S. Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus (KHDTK) Sumberwringin Bondowoso seluas 23,6 Ha merupakan pusat penelitian dan konservasi ex situ bagi jenis tanaman tinggi beriklim basah antara lain kelompok Pinus, mahoni, eukaliptus, dan damar (KHDTK, 2013). Salah satu pohon eksotis yang terkenal di kawasan KHDTK dan menjadi tujuan destinasi wisata unggulan adalah Kayu Leda (Eucalyptus deglupta). Pohon Eucalyptus Deglupta termasuk kedalam kategori Vulnerable (rentan) di alam karena populasinya yang terus menurun akibat eksploitasi berlebihan di habitat aslinya. Tanaman Eucalyptus Deglupta merupakan tanaman endemik Indonesia yang banyak tersebar di wilayah Maluku dan Papua serta diintroduksi di KHDTK pada Tahun 1939. Pemerintah Kabupaten Bondowoso menamakan KHDTK dengan nama Hutan Pelangi (Rainbow Forest) sesuai dengan karakteristik pohon ini yang menunjukkan gradasi warna-warna seperti pelangi yang disebabkan oleh proses Oksidasi Kambium batang dengan Oksigen sehingga berturut-turut menghasilkan warna hijau, kuning, biru, jingga hingga cokelat (Garner, 2006). Terdapat pula keanekaragaman jenis Flora dan Fauna di kawasan Biosite Hutan Pelangi. Keanekaragaman jenis Flora di kawasan Biosite Hutan Pelangi terbatas di area KHDTK Sumberwringin bondowoso dan memiliki koleksi tanaman hutan sebanyak 59 jenis, berasal dari 52 lokasi baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri, yang mewakili jenis-jenis tanaman tinggi beriklim basah. Vegetasi herba yang terdapat di kawasan ini antara lain Famili Piperaceae antara lain Piper cubeba yang termasuk golongan endemik, dan didominasi oleh rumput liar (Cyperus sp.), Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata), Ciplukan (Physalis angulata), Jelatang (Girardinia palmata), dan Rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum). Selain itu, keanekaragaman jenis Fauna yang terdapat di kawasan Biosite Hutan Pelangi, antara lain; Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fascicularis), Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus), Tupai Pohon (Paradoxurus hermaproditus) dan beberapa jenis burung endemik antara lain Ayam Hutan Hijau (Gallus varius), Cucak Gunung (Pycnonotus bimaculatus), dan Kipasan Bukit (Rhipydura euryura). Ketersedian makanan berupa dedaunan, biji-bijian dan buah-buahan menunjang keberadaan fauna di wilayah sekitar area Biosite Hutan Pelangi.

The Rainbow Forest Biosite is located in Sumberwringin District, Bondowoso Regency, with a geographic location of 114°0'9.77"E/7°59'56.58"S. The Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK) of Sumberwringin Bondowoso covering an area of ??23.6 hectares is a research center and ex situ conservation for high-wet climates, including the pine, mahogany, eucalyptus, and resin groups (KHDTK, 2013). One of the famous exotic trees in the KHDTK area and a leading tourist destination is Kayu Leda (Eucalyptus deglupta). The Eucalyptus Deglupta tree is included in the category of Vulnerable (vulnerable) in nature because its population continues to decline due to overexploitation in its natural habitat. Eucalyptus Deglupta is an endemic plant of Indonesia which is widely distributed in the Maluku and Papua regions and was introduced to KHDTK in 1939. The Bondowoso Regency Government named KHDTK as Hutan Pelangi (Rainbow Forest) according to the characteristics of this tree which shows gradations of colors like a rainbow. caused by the oxidation process of stem cambium with oxygen so that successively it produces green, yellow, blue, orange to brown colors (Garner, 2006). There is also a diversity of flora and fauna species in the Rainbow Forest Biosite area. The diversity of flora species in the Rainbow Forest Biosite area is limited in the KHDTK area of ??Sumberwringin Bondowoso and has a collection of 59 forest plant species, originating from 52 locations both from within and outside the country, representing types of tall plants with a wet climate. The herbaceous vegetation found in this area includes the Piperaceae family, including Piper cubeba which is endemic and dominated by weeds (Cyperus sp.), Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata), Ciplukan (Physalis angulata), Nettle (Girardinia palmata), and Elephant Grass (Pennisetum purpureum). In addition, the diversity of fauna species found in the Rainbow Forest Biosite area, among others; Long-tailed monkey (Macaca fascicularis), Javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus), tree squirrel (Paradoxurus hermaproditus) and several endemic bird species, including Green Jungle Fowl (Gallus varius), Mountain Cucak (Pycnonotus bimaculatus), and Bukit Kipasan (Rhipydura euryura) . The availability of food in the form of leaves, seeds and fruits supports the existence of fauna in the area around the Rainbow Forest Biosite area.


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