
Komplek Air Panas Blawan

Mata air panas tersebar di bagian utara dari Kawah Wurung. Persebaran mata air panas mengikuti keberadaan sesar yang ada. Beberapa mata air panas termanisfestasikan di dekat Desa Blawan. Terdiri dari 19 sumber yang temperaturnya antara 30o – 50oC dari hampir 100 mataair yang temperaturnya di bawah itu. Mata air panas ini menghasilkan air yang cukup cari (TDS= 1-2g/kg) dan mendekati netral (pH=6,4) dengan temperature mencapai 50oC. berdasarkan kandungan SO2- Cl-HCO3 nya, air termasuk ke dalam air netral HCO3-SO4. Feature struktur sesar ditandai adanya airterjun Blawan, yang menyebabkan Sungai Kalipait memotong Dinding Kaldera Ijen Tua berorientasi patahan yang cenderung Timur Laut – Baratdaya menyebabkan zona lemah yang menjadi akses jalan aliran sungai Kalipait keluar dari Zona Kaldera Ijen Tua.

Hot springs are scattered in the northern part of Wurung Crater. The distribution of hot springs follows the existence of existing faults. Several hot springs are manifested near Blawan Village. It consists of 19 sources whose temperature is between 30o - 50oC from nearly 100 springs whose temperature is below that. This hot spring produces water that is quite looking (TDS = 1-2g / kg) and close to neutral (pH = 6.4) with temperatures reaching 50oC. based on its SO2-Cl-HCO3 content, water is included in neutral water HCO3-SO4. The feature of the fault structure is marked by the Blawan Waterfall which causes the Kalipait River to cut the Ijen Tua Caldera Wall. The fault orientation that tends to the Northeast - Southwest causes a weak zone to access the Kalipait river flow out of the Ijen Tua Caldera Zone. Blawan Waterfall is also called Damarwulan Waterfall where there is a dam which was once the Damar Wulan bath. Visitors who come there usually wash their faces there, because the flow of water is still fresh and clean, and is believed to make you stay young.


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