Struktur Gua Butha Sumber Canting adalah gua alam yang dipahat dengan relief kepala kala untuk tempat meditasi atau mengasingkan diri dari kehidupan dunia. Disamping relief kepala Kala juga dipahatkan angka tahun disisi kanan dengan tahun 1316 Caka / 1394 M sebagai tahun pendirian gua pertapaan tersebut. Ukuran mulut gua memiliki tinggi 3 meter dan lebar 5 meter, gua ini memanjang ke dalam semakin kecil dengan kedalaman 17 meter dari mulut gua. Pada bagian ruang utama terdapat lubang - lubang kecil yang kemungkinan adalah tempat lentera atau lilin ketika melakukan meditasi. Relief kala dipahatkan dengan kepala melotot dengan gigi bertaring dan serta lidah dijulurkan ke bawah sehingga tampak menyeramkan. Dibawah gua ini terdapat Sungai Angkrek yang merupakan sungai yang tidak pernah kering setiap tahun.
Butha Cermee Cave is a hermitage cave located in Jirek Hamlet, Suling Kulon Village, Cermee District, Bondowoso Regency. This cave is carved into a hill, oriented towards the East. Directly bordered by cliffs to the north, ravines to the east, forests to the south, and forests to the west. The relief of the Butha Cave is located on land owned by Perhutani. Butha Cermee Cave is located on a high land which is part of the Hyang mountains, to be precise, to the northwest of Mount Kendeng. The environmental conditions around the Buta Cave are dry and barren areas, but in the Butha Cermee Cave area there is a small water source which according to local people's beliefs never dries up.
It is called Butha Cave because in the cave there is a relief of Kala's head carved on the southern cliff, which is described as scary with eyes pointing at the frame below it. At the top of the head there are carvings depicting curls of hair. Cheekbones when seen protruding flanking the bridge of his nose. His lips were smirked by two fangs protruding from his upper jaw, showing six teeth. The head size has a width of 134.5 cm, and a height of 160 cm. Overall the relief at that time looked asymmetrical, that is, on the right it was bigger than the left (Handayani, 2018).