
Taman Batu So`on Solor

Geosite Taman Batu So’on Solor terletak di Desa Solor, Kecamatan Cermee, Kabupaten Bondowoso. Batuan penyusun Geosite Taman Batu So’on Solor memiliki unsur keunggulan Geologi jika dilihat dari aspek Morfologi yaitu terbentuk akibat faktor Erosi, struktur kekar atau rekahan, dan aspek tekstur batuan sehingga menghasilkan bentuk batuan bersusun yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Batu So’on oleh masyarakat setempat. Aspek Morfologi Kwarter terbentuk karena kontrol Eksogen dan Endogen. Selain hal tersebut, juga disebabkan oleh faktor erosi, struktur kekar/ rekahan, dan aspek tekstur batuan. Kesan batu bersusun disebabkan oleh perbedaan tekstur batuan penyusun dari kompaksi maupun pengerasan. Sedangkan proses yang menyebabkan batu-batu bersusun pada Geosite Taman Batu So’on Solor terpisah antar satu dengan yang lain disebabkan oleh kontrol struktur kekar yang relatif intensif. Batuan penyusun Geosite Taman Batu So’on Solor termasuk Satuan Batuan Gunung Api Ijen Tua berumur Kwarter, Plistosen yang tersusun oleh Breksi Gunung Api, Breksi Batu Apung, Tuff, dan Lava. Penampakan batu bersusun yang terhampar di kawasan Geosite Taman Batu So’on Solor terjadi akibat struktur lapisan batuan selang seling. Berdasarkan pengamatan di Citra Satelit, baik dari ASRI Argis Imagery, maupun Google Earth, oreintasi arah Geosite Taman Batu So’on Solor cenderung mengikuti karakteristik pola aliran sungai Radial Gunung Api dengan hilir sumber aliran Kaldera Ijen yang berarah Utara Barat Laut – Selatan Tenggara. Sehingga kecenderungan kontrol pengikisan akibat pola aliran sungai yang sudah berjalan ratusan ribu tahun membuat arah orientasi tersebut.

So`on Solor Stone Garden So'on Solor Stone Garden Geosite is located in Solor Village, Cermee District, Bondowoso Regency. The rocks that make up the Geosite So'on Solor Stone Garden have an element of Geological excellence when viewed from the Morphological aspect, which is formed due to erosion factors, stocky structures or fractures, and rock texture aspects so as to produce a stratified rock form better known as So'on Rock by the local community . The Quaternary Morphological Aspect was formed due to Exogenous and Endogenous controls. Apart from this, it is also caused by erosion factors, stocky / fracture structures, and rock texture aspects. The impression of stacked stones is caused by differences in the texture of the rock comprising compacting and hardening. Meanwhile, the process that causes the stacked stones in the So'on Solor Stone Garden Geosite to separate from one another is due to the relatively intensive control of the burly structure. The rocks that make up the So'on Solor Stone Garden Geosite include the Quaternary, Plistocene Old Ijen Volcano Rock Unit which is composed of Volcanic Breccia, Pumice Breccia, Tuff, and Lava. The appearance of stacked rocks that stretches out in the Geosite area of So'on Solor Stone Garden occurs due to the alternating rock layer structure. Based on observations on satellite imagery, both from ASRI Argis Imagery, and Google Earth, the direction of the So'on Solor Stone Garden Geosite tends to follow the characteristics of the Radial Volcano river flow pattern with the downstream source of the Ijen Caldera flow which is North-Northwest-South-Southeast. So that the tendency to control erosion due to river flow patterns that have been running for hundreds of thousands of years has led to this orientation direction. Address Bondowoso, Jawa Timur


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