Keragaman geologi menurut Gray (2004) di definisikan sebagai rentang keragaman dari aspek (Keistimewaan dan tampilan) dari geologi (Batuan, mineral, dan fosil); dan pembentukan tanah; yang meliputi kumpulannya, hubungan, sifat, atau karakter yang dimiliki, interpretasi dan sistim dari fitur-fitur tersebut. Sehingga secara sederhana keragaman geologi adalah mencakup semua material , setruktur dan proses yang menyusun dan membentuk bumi, material yang dimaksud meliputi mineral, batuan, fosil, tanah dai air; sedangkan struktur antara lain berupa perlipatan, sesar; dan bentang alam; serta hubungan antara unit batuan. Ssedangkan proses meliputi aktivitas tektonik, sedimentasi, pembentukan tanah (pelapukan), aktivitas gunung api, dan lain-lain
Mengapa keragaman geologo perlu di konservasi? Menurut Gray (2005), ada dua hal utama mengapa keragaman geologi harus di konservasi. Pertama, keragaman geologi Sangat penting dan berharga ditinjau dari berbagai kepentingan. Kedua, saat ini keragaman geologi sedang terancam oleh berbagai macan aktivitas manusia. Sehingga, sebagai ukuran dari sebuah masyarakat yang beradab dan maju, adalah jika masyarakat mau melindungi dan melestraikan unsur-unsurdari planet ini yang berharga dan terancam.
Keragaman geologi menurut Gray (2005) bisa memiliki berbagai nilai yanng dapat di kelompokkan dalam berbagai kriteria sebagai berikut: nilai keberadaan, nilai yang berhubungan dengan keberadaan sumberdaya alam tesebut tanpa melihat nilai manfaatnya; nilai kebudayaan, termasuk di dalamnya cerita rakyat, arkeologi atau sejarah yang berhubungan dengan pembentukan batuan atau lanskap, spiritual dan sensasi/imaginasi; nilai estetika berupa lanskap yang memiliki daya tarik untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas geowisata, inspirasi untuk meluskis, fotografi; nilai ekonomi, meliputi sumberdaya alam yang memberikan aspek manfaat seperti sumber daya energi, mineral industri, mineral logam, batu mulia, bahan konstruksi; Nilai fungsi, meliputi fungsinya sebagai wadah terdapatnya sumber air, minyak dan gas; sumber mineral vital untuk kesehatan, tempat penyimpanan sampah radioaktif, sebagai penyaring air, tanah, mencagah banjir, sebagai bagian dari ekosistem lingkungan; dan nilai ilmiah, merupakan tempat untuk melakukan penelitian, pendidikan dan pelatihan ilmu kebumian, sejarah planet, proses perubahan iklim, maupun kehidupan manusia.
Geodiversity according to gray (2004) is defined as the range of the diversity of the diversity of (features and appearance) of the geology (rock, minerals and fossils); geomorphology (landfroms and physical processes); and soil formation; which include their assemblages, relationship, nature or properties, interpretation and systems of these fetures. It is simply define that geodiversity includes allmaterials, structures and processes that make and shape the earth. Materials may include minerals, rock, fossils, soil and water; while the structures include folding, faults; and the landscape; as well as the relationship between rock units.While the processes includes tectonic activity, sedimentation, soil formation (weathering), volcanic activity, and others
Why do the geodiversity need to be conseved? According to Gray (2005), there are two reason why the geodiversity should be conserved. First, the geological diversity is very important and valuable in terms of various interests. Second, the current geodiversity is being threatened by various human activities. Thus, as a measure of a civilized and sadvance society, is if these people want to protect and preserve the elements of the planet that are valued and threatened.
Geodiversity according to Gray (2005) could have a range of values that can be grouped under the following criteria: Intrinsic or Existence value, the value of which ir related of existence of natural resources without seeing the value of their utilization; Cultural Value, including folklore, archeology or history that is associated with the formation of rock or landscape, spiritual and sensation / imagination; Aesthetic Value in the form of landscape that appeal to a wide range of geotourism activities, inspiration for painting, photography; Economic value, covering the natural resources provide the beneficial aspects such as energy resources, industrial minerals, metalic minereals, gemstone, constuction minerals; Functional value includes subsurface rock as the stores of water, oil and gas; mineral resources vital to health; radioactive waste stoage area; as filter of water. Soils are vital for agriculture, viticulture, and forestry; and important source of prevent flooding; and as part of an environmental ecosystem. Sientific values, is a place to do research, education and training of earth science, history of the planet, climate change process, as well as human life.
Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu National Geopark has major concepts of conservation, the preservation of geodiversity and biodiversity need to bee guarded and managed properly so that no damage occurs. This area serves as education, training and research for the elementary, secondary and highscools, college, university and the public. Geological site in the Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark is protected under provincial level through the West Java Provincial Regulation No. 2 of 2002 on the protection on environmental Geology and Sukabumi Regency Decree No. 556 / kep.555-Disparbudpora / 2015 as Ciletuh Geopark. Most of the geological site is part of Cibanteng Nature Reserve and Cikepuh Wildlife managed by BBKSDA West Java. Currently geological site are also being proposed as a nature Reseerve Area of Geology (KCAG) by the Geological Agency of the Ministry of the Energy and Minerals Resources.
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